188bet亚洲真人体育下载 comments on revenue recognition concerns for private entities


American Institute of CPA's (188bet亚洲真人体育下载) Technical Issues Committee (TIC) recently met with members of the Financial 会计 Standards Board (FASB). TIC and FASB staff members 讨论了 最近的一次 that TIC submitted to the FASB on January 17 on challenges that private entities are discovering now that the revenue recognition guidance is becoming effective for them.

Given the importance and magnitude of the standard, TIC recommended additional consideration be given to recognition and measurement differences for private companies as well as disclosure differences for certain conduit debt obligors. Specific issues 讨论了 included the new definition of an accounting contract, customer options for additional goods and services that are a material right, short-cycle manufacturing contracts and out-of-pocket costs. TIC suggested practical expedients to address these issues.