
的 Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP®) credential represents the intersection of technology and financial 报告.


的 Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP®) credential demonstrates that you are a trusted adviser in cybersecurity, 商业智能, 数据分析等.


的 Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP®) credential demonstrates that you are a trusted adviser in cybersecurity, 商业智能, 数据分析等.



是的. 你必须是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的正式会员, 荣誉, 国际副, 或持有未被撤销的188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址许可证,信誉良好的退休普通会员, 由合法组成的国家机关颁发的执照或证书.

No. 有资格获得CITP证书, you must hold a valid and unrevoked CPA license or certificate (whether active or inactive) issued by a state authority and be an active member of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载的.

Is t在这里 a way I can quickly assess whether I qualify for the Certified Information Technology Professional credential?


考生必须通过CITP考试才能获得CITP证书. 的 CITP exam requirement is waived for candidates who have passed ISACA’s Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA®) certification exam.


Candidates must pass the four-hour CITP Examination, compromising of 160 multiple-choice questions. CITP考试是全年不间断的. Candidates have the flexibility to take the exam online in a remote-proctored environment or at one of 300 test center locations across North America. 考试结果将在考试结束后立即提供给考生.

的 CITP exam requirement is waived for candidates who have passed ISACA’s Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA®) certification exam.


CITP认证项目是围绕 内容规范大纲(CSO):

  • 资讯保安管治

  • 网络安全风险管理

  • 面向网络安全的SOC

  • 数据管理

  • 数据分析 & 报告

  • 商业智能管理

  • IT治理 & 策略

  • IT风险、流程 & 控制

  • 系统和组织控制(SOC)报告

的 key to passing the examination is a combination of using the body of knowledge referred to in the ctp考试CSO 再加上通过获得相关工作经验来应用这些知识.



与ctp考试所涵盖的188bet亚洲真人体育下载的综合大纲紧密结合,188bet亚洲真人体育下载ctp考试复习课程 is the only CITP exam review program backed by the resources and collective expertise of accounting professionals associated with 188bet亚洲真人体育下载的 who specialize and demonstrate specific skills, 在以下领域的熟练程度和经验:

  • 信息安全和网络风险

  • 商业智能,数据管理和分析

  • IT治理、风险和控制

通过举例说明和解释, this CPE course makes abstract concepts come to life for both seasoned professionals and students, and it will help you understand and successfully navigate in today’s technology-driven marketplace.



的 CITP learning pathway is a three-part education series covering the comprehensive CITP credential body of knowledge. 与CITP认证知识体系保持一致, ctp学习路径包含以下三个模块:

  • 信息安全 & 网络风险(单元1)
    这种学习提供了信息安全188bet亚洲真人体育下载的广泛覆盖 & CITP认证知识体系的网络风险模块, 在CITP考试中占40%的科目. 利用这种学习来获得以下领域的基本技能和能力, 准备CITP考试:

    • 资讯保安管治

    • 网络安全风险管理

    • 面向网络安全的SOC

  • 商业智能,数据管理 & 分析学(模块2)
    这种学习提供了来自商业智能的188bet亚洲真人体育下载的广泛覆盖, 数据管理 & CITP证书知识体系的分析模块, 哪些科目占ctp考试科目的20%. 利用这种学习来获得以下领域的基本技能和能力, 准备CITP考试:

    • 数据管理

    • 数据分析 & 报告

    • 商业智能管理

  • IT治理、风险 & 控制(模块3)
    这种学习提供了来自IT治理、风险的188bet亚洲真人体育下载内容的广泛覆盖 & 控制知识体系的CITP证书模块, 占ctp考试内容的40%. 利用这种学习来获得以下领域的基本技能和能力, 准备CITP考试:

    • IT治理 & 策略

    • IT风险、流程 & 控制

    • 系统和组织控制(SOC)报告

CITP证书候选人可以利用 ctp学习路径包 获得在CITP学科的每个核心领域的技能和基本能力. Included in the bundle are the education resources for each of the three CITP credential body of knowledge modules above, 除了…之外 免费ctp考试,可在完成所有三个模块后进行.


的 Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP) credential represents the intersection of technology and financial 报告. 的 CITP acknowledges CPAs and recognized equivalents who specialize and demonstrate specific skills, 在以下领域具有专业知识和经验:

  • 信息安全和网络风险

  • 商业智能,数据管理和分析

  • IT治理、风险和控制

CITPs understand the impact of these areas on financial 报告 and overall business operations, 将他们定位为客户和雇主值得信赖的顾问.

188bet亚洲真人体育下载 developed the credential over 20 years ago to respond to the needs of the marketplace and provide a specialty designation for CPAs with considerable training and experience in the body of knowledge. 2012年开始, successful completion of an examination became a requirement together with experience and education requirements.

的 CITP is a specialty designation that identifies CPAs with the skills to bridge between business and technology while meeting the strict requirements for a CPA license as well as additional training and experience in a body of knowledge that includes:

  • 资讯保安管治

  • 网络安全风险管理

  • 面向网络安全的SOC

  • 数据管理

  • 数据分析 & 报告

  • 商业智能管理

  • IT治理 & 策略

  • IT风险、流程 & 控制

  • 系统和组织控制报告



  • Provides instant recognition as a professional who understands how information technology and financial 报告 interrelate.

  • 在雇主和客户之间建立更大的信心

  • Represents an expertise that is backed by the world’s largest member association representing the accounting profession – 188bet亚洲真人体育下载的.

  • 展示对不断提高IT技能和专业知识的承诺, 从而提高专业能力

  • 扩大从其他从业人员转介的机会, 战略合作伙伴, 消费者和客户

  • 提供访问具有相似技术专长和兴趣的专业人员社区的途径

除了获得CITP证书所带来的声望之外, 您还可以获得最新的信息, 专业发展和社交机会以及优质福利和资源, 包括:


  • 列入美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载在线会员和证书持有人目录,公众的第. 搜索CITP证书持有者的工具.

  • Access to a CITP marketing toolkit containing resources to promote your value as a CITP credential holder

  • 进入 私隐管理架构 (PMF)的绘图工具,协助我们管理私隐风险

  • CITP冠军计划, 它提供了支持, 结构, and resources to collaborate with state societies and universities on the value of the CITP credential

请查看美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载概述 CITP的好处.

现有的恢复应用程序为 在这里 if you wish you reinstate your CITP credential, as long as your 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 membership is in good standing.



要维护CITP证书,请查看 重新认证要求信息.


No. CITP证书持有人必须只持有有效的和未撤销的188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址许可证, license or certificate (active or inactive) issued by a state authority and be an active 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 member.

是的. 抽取一定比例的获批申请进行随机审核. 任何虚假陈述或不正确的信息都可能导致纪律处分, 包括暂停或撤销CITP资格和/或证书.

所有获批准的申请将随时接受随机审核. False or incorrect applications may result in suspension or revocation of CITP eligibility and/or credential.

看看CITP证书的资格,我相信我是合格的. 下一步是什么?
Upon successful completion of the CITP examination requirement and fulfillment of the business experience requirement, 考生必须完成CITP证书申请, 其中包括支付CITP证书申请费.

目前的价格列在 会费 页面.

May a firm include the “Certified Information Technology Professionals” credential or “CITP” on its letterhead and in marketing materials?
CITP证书是个人证书,而不是公司证书. 然而, it is permissible under 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Ethics Rule 502 for a firm to hold itself out as Certified Information Technology Professionals and to use the CITP credential on its letterhead and in marketing materials if all partners or shareholders of the firm have the CITP credential. 国家会计准则可以规定其他限制.

在信头上使用“CITP”字样, business cards and other marketing materials is governed by the rules of the board of accountancy in the state(s) in which you practice. 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载对证书没有规定的格式.

大多数州的会计法律都没有规定188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址是否可以使用专业证书. 1994年,美国政府宣布.S. 最高法院裁决了伊巴涅斯的案件, 认为各州不能禁止188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址使用专业证书, 例如CITP证书, 除非有实际或潜在伤害的证据. 如果你向你的州委员会查询,在使用证书时遇到了问题, 电子邮件 188bet亚洲真人体育下载的.


188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Certified Information Technology Professional credential provides recognition as a professional who understands how information technology and financial 报告 interrelate. CITP证书持有人在以下领域展示技能、专业知识和经验:

  • 信息安全和网络风险

  • 商业智能,数据管理和分析

  • IT治理、风险和控制

CITP credential holders understand the impact of these areas on financial 报告 and overall business operations, 将他们定位为客户可信赖的顾问 & 雇主都.


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